BlueFlux Graphic Design

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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Using Adobes' Flash For Web Design

Coming Soon! 

This is the reason why I need Adobe Flash for my web design!

Take a look at the picture below. Now look at the top-right half of the cell with the blue flowery pattern and notice that there is no box-shadow being applied compared to the bottom half.

My website is currently undergoing a very big overhaul using some of the latest techniques. The smaller screenshots demonstrate a glowing and transition effect when you hover over each section with your mouse ( or stylus/finger using Samsungs' 'floating technology' ) that are also created using the new css3 methods. The books you can see to the right of a section will have the page flip effect applied to them. However, these effects all work better by using Adobes' Flash technology.

I've already experienced some problems when attempting to apply bookmark tabs and have the css styles applied at the same time. This is due to the complexity of having the styles applied and the design of the page. 
To give you an idea, let's say I have the bookmark/binder placed into a set of table cells. One thing overrides another or just doesn't show. This includes using background images, inserted images and information with links for the bookmarks, using diffrerent combinations of each to achieve the desired effect- "he's crashed he's crashed he's crashed!!..."

So, looks like I'll be using Flash for all of the good stuff!!

Have a look at this post about one of the reasons why you're going to need to use flash if you want the edge!

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